Download World Risk Report Excerpt 2019

A comprehensive annual review of mining risk, including a jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction ratings system and an assessment of general business and operating risks and trends.


The Investment Risk Index (IRI) is the tool that underwrites the Mining Journal World Risk Report 2019 (feat. Minehutte ratings), providing jurisdiction-by-jurisdiction ratings across five core areas of mining-related risk: Legal, Governance, Social, Fiscal and Infrastructure. The IRI applies a methodical and scientific approach by combining hard, established risk-related metrics with perceived risk to generate rounded and robust, year-on-year numbers for some 100 jurisdictions.


Perceived risk is measured by the World Risk Survey, completed by more than 800 respondents, who have shared their insight into the risk landscape for their mining jurisdiction. The survey also asks respondents to assess the geology of their host jurisdiction, which we combine with our risk rating to measure the overall opportunity; and a review of the permitting regime, which is a key consideration but falls outside the measurables of the IRI.


And, finally, we ask respondents to assess global trends in Business and Operating risk in terms of both severity and then manageability to identify broader shifts in risk attitudes across borders.


Each year we collect some 3,500 unique and aggregated data points, deepening the value of the database with every report published.


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